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How Many Fruits and Vegetables Kids Need Every Day?

You know the Food Guide Pyramid. You know MyPlate. You know your kids need fruits and veggies. But what does it mean in the real world–and what does a whole day’s worth really look like?

You may see these photos and think it’s way more than your kids eat–or way less. Personally, putting together this post made me realize that one of my kids isn’t getting nearly enough (especially veggies!). These are also just examples. If these aren’t fruits and veggies your brood likes, that’s okay. But I hope these photos give you a better idea of how much kids need and how it can all fit together.

2-3 Years Old Need: 1 cup of fruit & 1 cup of vegetables

  • 1/2 Small Banana at Break Fast

  • 1/2 Apple at Snack Time

  • 1/2 Cup Peas & Carrots with Lunch

  • 8 Grapes (Sliced) at Snack Time

  • 1/2 Cup Cooked Broccoli with Dinner

4-8 year olds need: 1.5 cups of fruit & 1.5 cups of vegetables

  • 8 Strawberries at Breakfast

  • 6 Baby Carrots at Snack Time

  • 1/2 Cup Corn with Lunch

  • 1/2 Orange at Snack Time

  • 1/2 Cup roasted Brussels Sprouts with Dinner

9-13 year olds need: 1.5 cups of fruit and 2 cups of veggies (2.5 cups of veggies for boys)

  • 1/2 Cup Blueberries at Breakfast

  • 1/2 Cup Sugar Snap Peas at Snack Time

  • 1/2 Sweet Pepper + 1 Container Applesauce at Lunch

  • 1 Clementine at Snack Time

  • 1/2 Baked Sweet Potato + 6 Asparagus Spears at Dinner

14-18 year olds need: 1.5 cups of fruit (2 cups of fruit for boys) and 2.5 cups of veggies (3 cups of veggies for boys)

  • 1 Cup Spinach + 1/2 Cup Frozen Peaches in Smoothie at Breakfast

  • 1 Apple at Snack Time

  • 1 Cup Peppers + 16 Grapes with Luch

  • 2 Cups Greens + 1/2 Cup Carrots at Dinner Time.

Article Source: Veggieebazaar Web Page, Real Mom Nutrition Web Page

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