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Tomato - Local / Nattu Thakkali 500g

SKU: CSV0001050

One cup of chopped or sliced raw tomatoes contains: 32 calories (kcal) | 170.14 g of water | 1.58 g of protein | 2.2 g of fiber | 5.8 g of carbohydrate | 0 g cholesterol.

Tomatoes also have a wealth of vitamin and mineral content, including: 18 mg of calcium | 427 mg of potassium | 43 mg of phosphorus | 24.7 mg of vitamin C | 1499 international units (IU) of vitamin A

Tomatoes also contain a wide array of beneficial nutrients and antioxidants, including: alpha-lipoic acid | lycopene | choline | folic acid | beta-carotene | lutein

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