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Behavior of Newborn - An Overview (0 - 3)

Understanding your Newborn Baby’s Behavior

Cuddling, sleeping, feeding, crying. That’s what newborn behavior is all about in the first few months.

Although your baby might give you some eye contact, crying is probably the main thing you’ll notice about his behavior. For example, he’ll cry if he’s hungry, unsettled, wet or uncomfortable.

Newborn Crying: What to Expect

Crying is a newborn’s main way of communicating, of telling you what she needs. It’s a sound that can spur you into action, even when you’re asleep. If you’re a breastfeeding mother, it can trigger your let-down reflex.

Crying peaks at about six weeks. This period of intense newborn crying will pass.

Babies cry and fuss on average for almost three hours a day. Some cry for a lot longer than this. Most of this crying and fussing seems to happen in the late afternoon and evening, although every day will probably be a bit different.

As your baby gets older, it’ll be easier for you to understand what he’s trying to tell you through crying. His crying is also more likely to be spread throughout the day.

Understanding and Responding to your Newborn Baby’s Behavior

Your newborn baby is working out what the world is like. The way you respond to her behavior, especially her crying, tells her a lot about her world.

For example, your baby might find out that when he cries, someone comes to give him what he needs. This might be a nappy change, a feed or a cuddle. If that happens, he’ll learn that the world is a pretty OK place.

When you respond quickly to comfort your crying newborn, your baby will cry less often overall. It’s absolutely fine to pick up your baby when she cries. It tells her that she’s safe because you’re a caring, responsive parent who loves her.

You can’t spoil a newborn. If your newborn is crying, it’s because he needs your help. If you respond calmly and consistently, it helps your baby learn that the world is a safe and predictable place.

Inconsolable Crying or Colic

Some babies cry a lot over a long period of time. Nothing seems to comfort them. This is often called colic.

Colic might just be natural behavior for some babies, especially at the end of a long day and after too much stimulation. Crying might help a newborn take control of her environment. It’s as if your baby is saying, ‘Enough! I’m just going to cry to shut out the world’.

If your baby cries like this, it can be very hard for you to cope with. These ideas might help you and your baby:

Reduce the stimulation around your baby – for example, try sitting with baby in a quiet, dimmed room.Lay your baby on his side in his cot and rhythmically pat his back. Gently turn him onto his back if he falls asleep.Try putting in some imaginary earplugs. Let the sound of the crying pass through you, and remind yourself that everything is OK. You’re doing all you can to help your baby.Take baby for a walk in the pram or a sling. Movement can sometimes be soothing.Try playing ‘white noise’ like a fan or the radio tuned to the static between stations. This can help to settle baby.

When to seek help for Newborn Behavior

All children have the right to be safe and protected. But parenting can be hard work. Seek help if you feel that you can’t cope or you might hurt your child.

Dealing with crying gets easier as your newborn learns more about the world and gets better at showing you what she needs. Also, you’ll become an expert at ‘reading’ your baby’s behavior. No-one knows your baby better than you, but if you’re worried about your baby’s crying, talk it through with your GP or child and family health nurse.

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